My Show Secretary Questions and Answers

  • Select the events where you would like to allow entries & MSS takes care of it.
  • Through the MSS Switch On/Off facility, you can close entries per class or per event or set caps - you choose!
  • Entries will close automatically after the closing date you specify
  • Enforce late entry fees for a specified period
  • Enforce your First Aid Fee and update payment details in real time
  • Dates & times can be added to manage your entries 24/7
  • British Dressage & British Show Jumping events require certain information before making an entry. MSS automatically includes all these rules and requirements
  • How much will each entry cost me? Absolutely nothing!
  • The Online Entry icons appear next to any event on your website for which you wish to take entries
  • There is a £1.25 + VAT Booking Fee (Commission to us) payable by the Customer at the end of the online entry process on top of the entry fee etc. Riders can enter as many classes with as many riders paying the one Booking Fee only via the shopping Basket. The money goes direct to your account. We invoice you at the end of each month for the total amount of commission paid to you by your Customers using the Online Entry Facility unless you choose Stripe as your PSP in which case the Booking Fee is collected at the point of entry.
  • Stabling/ Bedding/ Hook-up/ First Aid/ Member Fees and any extras are all managed in the Basket and Show System
  • All payments go direct from the rider (customer) through your payment gateway and into YOUR nominated bank account. Both the rider and the secretary for the event receive an email payment confirmation and a copy of the invoice is stored securely in their MRL account.
  • Your customer will automatically receive an email confirmation immediately
  • You will receive an email confirmation of the entry immediately
  • As a safeguard, our back-up system will receive an email confirmation
  • The entry goes direct into My Show Secretary, showing each new entry by event
  • No. Centres currently using this system have shown a clear increase in revenue and decrease in administration costs.
  • All software needs upgrading and amending as operating systems develop, or new security legislation is introduced. We automatically upgrade the MSS application software at no cost to you and continue to offer support throughout the year ...every year. After all, it's our job to keep you satisfied.